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Pictures and Video
"Ukrainian hearts in Calderdale Hands"
first meeting
social meeting
Dean Clough
Dean Clough
dean clough
Dean Clough
March to Vigil
march to vigil
tabel in minster dedicated to ukraine
vigil in the minster
vigil in the minster
Vigil Halifax Minster
Calder Cares for Ukriane
Vintage Car Show
Vintage Car Show
hebden Bridge vintage car rally
hebden bridge
hebden Bridge vintage car rally
Anna showing her master class in petrivka
master class in Petrivka
petrivka painting
petrivka painting
Anna showing her master class in petrivka
Petrivka painting class
Petrivka painting class
Donation from Siddal ex servicemen
Accepting the donation
esol lesson
eso lesson with halifax rotarians
esol lesson
Donated Bikes
Donated Bikes
Donated Bikes
Donated Bikes
Donated Bikes
trying out the new bicycle
our friends from the king's centre
another great day at the mill bar
tomatoes from greg
onions and tomatoes from greg
with the mayor
bradford ukrainian centre independence day celebrations
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