"Ukrainian hearts in Calderdale Hands"
Our bank details:
Ukrainians in Calderdale Ltd
Sort: 04 06 05
Account: 19551643

We are planning a fundraiser to purchase humanitarian and medical aid as well as transport to take aid to Ukraine.
Over the past twelve months many volunteers have filled their own vans and this has helped enormously.
We have also used large commercial trailers as this is far more economical and safer.
However since the end of 2022 companies will not allow their vehicles into Ukraine so our aim is to buy our own 20 foot trailer and coordinate with local groups within West yorkshire and deliver our own collected aid as well as their aid direct to centres within Ukraine.
Our gratitude for their camradeire and assistance over the past twelve months
Mill Bar and Kitchen
Halifax Rotarians
'Ontrak' for their donation of refurbished bicycles
Siddal Ex servicemen's Club for their donation
British Legion for their time, effort and support
Home for Ukraine (Calderdale)
Halifax Minster
Calderdale College
Holly Lynch MP
Jason Mcartney MP
Todmorden College
Aid to the Church in Need